Funeral Architecture

We are experts in providing Architectural solutions for the Funeral Industry with over 17 years of experience in this field. Our Nationwide Portfolio ranges from the simple redecoration of Funeral Directors Shops, through all types and sizes of extensions, to the design of standalone New Build Funeral Directors Facilities. We are particularly skilled in interpreting and implementing our Clients Brief and highly successful in achieving Planning, Listed Building and Building Regulation Approvals for Funeral Architectural Projects. Our experience and understanding of the special nature of the Funeral Industry enables us to work sensitively within Funeral Directors Facilities whilst bringing added value to your projects with our Nationwide Network of Specialist Contractors and Manufacturers.

Over the years we have forged close working relationships with both manufacturers of Funeral Equipment and Contractors experienced in working within the Funeral Industry and can offer advice to Clients on how to access information and services they need to fully understand the nature and requirements of their development.


Care Centres

Funeral Directors Shops